
At Cuddlebugs, our Preschool Program is a little different than your traditional preschool classroom. We combine our 3's and 4's for a mutli-age approach that combines many different traditional approaches to education. We believe that children learn through play and at Cuddlebugs we provide intentional play opportunities that cater to the needs of the children. Our curriculum is based on the Virginia's Foundation Blocks for Early Learning. Each month has a Social, Math, and Science Theme. Language Skills are interwoven into everyday learning. We practice our letters, letter sounds, and writing everyday in the things we do. We begin by focusing on the children’s names and from there branch out into other familiar words. Small groups are formed that cater to each child’s individual needs as needed. You will not see worksheets, but we work on writing skills in class through journal entries and writing activities. What you will see are art projects and other items that are created during centers.
At the preschool level, we provide a weekly report of your child's activities but, communication happens daily with your child's teachers. The reports are available at anytime for you to view as needed. Our goal is to work with each family to provide the best experience possible. We want to help your child be the best they can be and working together is integral to that goal.
Devoted Teachers
Research has shown that a strong, secure attachment to a nurturing adult can have a protective biological function, helping a growing child withstand the ordinary stress of daily life. You will have peace of mind knowing that your child will have teachers who will build a loving relationship with him or her. Our preschool children typically spend two years with the same teacher(s). This leads to a secure attachment and helps build a trusting and loving relationship.
Individualized Learning Experiences
Teachers create lesson plans based upon our curriculum which was developed based the on Virginia's Foundation Blocks for Early Learning. The preschool program has been developed to prepare your child for Kindergarten, not only academically but socially and emotionally as well. Your child's trained teachers design lesson plans based on not only the curriculum, but what each child needs to work on. We administer the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) in October, January, and May along with a basic assessment of math skills. Bi-Annual progress reports will give you the opportunity to evaluate your child's growth and progression, and to share in the joy as he or she prepares for Kindergarten.
A Loving Environment
We truly believe your child will learn best in a loving environment. We implement this philosophy into everything we do, from the materials in the classroom to loving interactions. Daily schedules have been designed to limit transitions and allow the children time to eat, play, and rest. Every moment in preschool is a teachable moment and we strive to not only teach academics, but life skills that will help your child be successful in life.
At the preschool level, we provide a weekly report of your child's activities but, communication happens daily with your child's teachers. The reports are available at anytime for you to view as needed. Our goal is to work with each family to provide the best experience possible. We want to help your child be the best they can be and working together is integral to that goal.
Devoted Teachers
Research has shown that a strong, secure attachment to a nurturing adult can have a protective biological function, helping a growing child withstand the ordinary stress of daily life. You will have peace of mind knowing that your child will have teachers who will build a loving relationship with him or her. Our preschool children typically spend two years with the same teacher(s). This leads to a secure attachment and helps build a trusting and loving relationship.
Individualized Learning Experiences
Teachers create lesson plans based upon our curriculum which was developed based the on Virginia's Foundation Blocks for Early Learning. The preschool program has been developed to prepare your child for Kindergarten, not only academically but socially and emotionally as well. Your child's trained teachers design lesson plans based on not only the curriculum, but what each child needs to work on. We administer the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) in October, January, and May along with a basic assessment of math skills. Bi-Annual progress reports will give you the opportunity to evaluate your child's growth and progression, and to share in the joy as he or she prepares for Kindergarten.
A Loving Environment
We truly believe your child will learn best in a loving environment. We implement this philosophy into everything we do, from the materials in the classroom to loving interactions. Daily schedules have been designed to limit transitions and allow the children time to eat, play, and rest. Every moment in preschool is a teachable moment and we strive to not only teach academics, but life skills that will help your child be successful in life.